Laboratory results delivered quickly to production
ProcessViews module is an additional, separate module to LABVANTAGE Enterprise and LABVANTAGE Express (or WilabLIMS, LabMaster) , which provides an on-line, automatically updating, easy-to-use view of laboratory results from LIMS to production and process control personnel.
With ProcessViews, users can set up customized views to follow up needed analysis results as tables or trends based on product, production lines, sampling points etc. without accessing LIMS. These views can be then set-up to update information with defined frequency.
ProcessView also
- displays selected sample information from LIMS
- Samples and results on screen can be filtered and sorted
- The upper and lower specification limits are shown visually with colors on screen.
- Alarms can be displayed and commented on a separate Alert panel.
- Statistics (min, max, average, standard deviation, variance) based on measurements on screen can be calculated.
- Tables and trends can be printed.
- Table formatted information can also be exported to Excel.
Result entry for any off-line measurements done by process personnel can be entered to LIMS database via linking LIMS system relevant result entry views to ProcessViews user interface.