LABVANTAGE Express includes extensive, end-to-end request and sample functionalities enhancing speed and quality in data entry, analysis, approvals, statistics, reporting, querying, and invoicing. Easy-to-use maintenance tools for master data as; analyses, products, specifications, customers, projects, chemicals, and instruments. Pre-configured for barcoding, eSignature and a variety of ready-made statistics and quality enhancing feature, like QC cards.
LabVantage Express is a pre-defined edition of LabVantage Enterprise with predetermined standard working processes, and is an ideal LIMS solution for smaller and medium sized manufacturing QC and analytical testing laboratories with high quality and accreditation requirements.
Key capabilities of LabVantage Express
The selection of functionalities is based on best practices at the targeted laboratory types. The out-of-the-box LABVANTAGE Express includes a set of appropriate functionalities and working processes from login to result entry, including approvals, queries and reports.
LABVANTAGE Express is ready-to-use, out-of-the box, guaranteeing fast implementation but enough flexibility to perfectly fit your laboratory processes in analytical service or manufacturing QC.
LABVANTAGE Express comes with a pre-defined report package, making it possible for you to instantly generate standard reports. Additionally, it includes pre-defined visual dashboards and queries ready to use. The flexible integrated reporting tool enables creation of customized report templates if needed.
LABVANTAGE Express supports multi-national, multi-site, multi-language installations. Therefore, LABVANTAGE Express suits perfectly also organizations that have multiple laboratories in different locations.
LABVANTAGE Express is purely web based LIMS and provides a zero-installation, zero-footprint browser/server architecture. LABVANTAGE Express does not require any software installation or maintenance effort on user workstations, dramatically reducing deployment effort and maintenance/upgrade costs.