Software Point is now expanding and supporting also laboratories in Poland with LabVantage LIMS and LIMS expertise from over 25 years. Last week we attended the Eurolab Exhibition in Warsaw and were happy to introduce our modern LIMS solutions to visitors at our booth and seminar held on the first day of the exhibition.
News & events
Region Skåne, Sveriges sydligaste region, har nu uppgraderat sitt laboratorieinformationssystem för patologi till den senaste versionen av LabVantage Medical Suite, levererat av Software Point. Systemet används av laboratorier för klinisk patologi som har verksamhet på Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund och Malmö samt på sjukhusen i Helsingborg och Kristianstad.
Region Skåne, the southernmost province in Sweden, has upgraded into the newest version of LabVantage Medical Suite Laboratory Information Management System, delivered by Software Point. The system is used for pathology in Skåne University Hospital in Lund and Malmö, and in clinical laboratories in Helsingborg and Kristianstad hospitals.
"Senter for laboratoriemedisin ved Sykehuset Østfold har brukt regionalt laboratoriedatasystem siden 2015, og brukerne er fornøyde med det nye arbeidsverktøyet. De sier at pasientsikkerheten er høyere og at det er enkelt å bruke datasystemet."
Region Västmanland, the central Swedish province with four hospitals, has put a new laboratory information management system (LIMS) into operation. The LabVantage Medical Suite, delivered by Software Point, replaces three older separate data systems, and will be used as one common installation for both clinical chemistry, microbiology, and pathology.
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Vestlia Resort, Geilo, Norway
January 30 – February 1, 2023
We will participate in the Norwegian Environmental Chemistry Symposium - come visit our booth!
Tampereen yliopiston lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta, MET, järjestää perinteiset tutkimuspäivät ja niiden yhteydessä yksipäiväisen yritysnäyttelyn. Yritysnäyttely pidetään perjantaina 25. marraskuuta 2022. Päivien aikana sadat ihmiset verkostoituvat ja tapahtuma tarjoaa oivan foorumin yhteishankkeiden ideointiin ja poikkitieteelliseen vuoropuheluun tutkimuksesta.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa Helsinkiin 24.- 25.11.2022 IAP:n syyskokoukseen luu- ja pehmytkudospatologia.
Tule tutustumaan Software Pointin LabVantage Medical Suite Patologian LIMS-järjestelmään, sekä kuulemaan kuinka järjestelmä tukee patologian toimintoja.
Nähdään Helsingin Paasitornissa!
The goal of this training is to provide deeper knowledge about the usage of ProdStat, to further develop the system knowledge, and to present additional possibilities with ProdStat.
We recommend that you have attended our ProdStat Basic training or that you are an experienced user of ProdStat, and that you have knowledge of LVMS usage and definitions.
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